Sales & Marketing

E- Fast Go helps medium-sized and small enterprises and operators to reduce risks and increase sales in the areas of sales, and marketing consulting; revenue management and e-commerce. We provide the assistance of conducting sales and marketing assessments. We help to creat market plans. Equally, we assist the new business with training programs.

For general sales and marketing services:

  • We help to build and manage the social media and public relations.
  • Strategic marketing.
  • Sales representation and business development.
  • Consultancy.

For online sales and marketing services:

  • Built and enhance the search engine visibility.
  • Management of marketing messages and feedback from social media and online stores.

For coaching and training programs:

  • Help to learn skills to assess the sales.
  • Train the skills of presale and aftersale services.
  • Basic financial reports monthly, quarterly, annual or any time. Just In Time inventory management daily.




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